b'Among the most memorable guest requests,outstanding 70% annual return guest rate, Joo has travelled 600 miles to source bree- and 90% of the guests having stayed at the ders for a dog collector, hired a Maserati allhotelbefore,returningtoexperiencethe the way from Italy, and arranged a last-minutebest Suite they have to offer.celebrationwithinhourscompletewith confetticanonsandfireworks.JootakesThe Roof Garden Suite is a stunning accom-pride in being the Suites Private Host of themodation option in the five-star Conrad Al-hotel and explains It is my job to fulfil mygarve hotel, open for guests to stay in and to clients needs, no matter what they ask. If ithire out for private events. With views over cant be done, I am tasked with finding rele- the sweeping Portuguese landscape as far as vant alternatives. I will never return to a clientthe eye can see, all personal tastes and needs empty handed, and sometimes that elementcatered for even before guests arrive, and the of surprise is even better than the originalchic and modern interiors that the hotel is requestwhen that happens, those are theknown for, there is no more luxurious suite in most rewarding moments! Joos dedicati- the whole of the Algarve. 59on pays off, with the Suite experiencing an'